Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 was mighty fine ......

I have to start this blog by thanking my pastor Chuck, for letting me steal this idea from him. (By the way chuck I stole your idea) 2009 was a crazy year, my spiritual journey has been all over the map. God gave me the power to defeat smoking, drinking, and living in sin with my fiancé! And to think some people actually question if He is real. Everything within me speaks to Goals and setting them. Without a destination you will get there .... quicker then you think! Everyone has goals or methods or systems of setting goals and how to come up with goals. I have combined a little of zig ziglar, chuck booher, og mindino, and I'm sure a few people I haven't given credit to. Too come up with these goals for 2010 I took inventory on myself. Where was I, where am I now, how did I get here, what worked, what didn't, and what area's do I really want to see improvement in. So here they are blunt, real, with everything!

- Donate more of myself to church, and the spreading of God's word, love, and compassion. In 2010 I will donate at least 3 days a month to church!

- Get on the road to become Debt Free - I have to thank my church and Amanda for bringing the Dave Ramsey video series to our church! I'm excited to get started on Jan 24th!

- Start working on Child #3 - After March 13th of course!

- Spend EVERYDAY with God, in His word, in prayer, and in meditation. I will be using my dear friend Tim Long as my accountability partner. Thank you Tim!

- Live James 1:19 - My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry!

- Start my sports ministry outreach company! - Its time to get off my butt and use the gifts the good Lord has given me!

- Spend uplifting time with my friends - show them I care by being there. I just reconnected with a great friend for so long! Even thou neither of us drink we hang out at his bar ....really! lol

With the love and support of my friends and family and by the Grace of God 2010 is going to be the best year so far!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

With Everything

So this is my first blog , I may have blown a message board or two up, but never a blog......So here goes!

I got fitted for my tux today and I found myself in a place I never thought I'd ever allow myself to be AGAIN. Completely HAPPY! God has blown me away with how He has hooked a ninja up!!! 5 years ago I was trapped, making four people's life just about as crap-tastic as it could get. Granted I put on a decent show for those involved, but it was such a poor empty excuse of a life. I don't blame my ex at all let me be clear! It was a choice not to love her right, it was a choice to not obey God, it was a choice every time I picked up a bottle, or took that toke. All of them MY choices. 3 years ago I was drowning in a sea of alcohol not even willing to kick. Then 2 years ago I connected with a little lady that I always had a little flutter for. We did what every broken, tattered, just keeping your head above water individuals would do...... we JUMPED into a relationship, living together within a month..... throwing caution to the wind with a specific finger pointed to the world! OUR LOVE WAS STRONG ENOUGH!!! ... LMAO ... Seriously ..... I'm so surprised we didn't kill each other, not for lack of trying that's for sure! Just over a year ago I decided I didn't wanna drink anymore then it happened ...... Chuck Boher ... The man ... The myth .... The mighty man of God (Pam you should needle point that on a pillow) saved not only my life (for the 2nd time mind you) but my baby's life!!!! 3 months ago I was working a job that I well ..... hated, but found joy in the people and the product to survive, and was smoking a pack a day!

Today I sit here in love with a Godly women, raising 2 compassionate kids, working a job with normal hours selling a product I love, use, and trust. I'm a member of an amazing church with a great family around us. This weekend I got a football tournament, going to see Narnia, babysitting little kc, and taking all the kids to Covina Christmas Parade ..... that's just Saturday ... But who knows what tomorrow will bring! The only thing I really have control of is if I'm going to do something is do it with EVERYTHING!